Today Allan gardened. In fact he gardens everyday that is garden-weather permitting. The trees were given crew cuts, pails collected the stray detritus of winter's unforgiving months. As with our home, there is still much to do. On Easter I gave Allan and Olivia a tomato plant. I have hopes to do the very Michelle Obama thing and have our family versed in growing our own food. The benefits are too numerous to site. Allan left the tomato plant today for the call of real life, the most fun outdoor projects saved for last (digging a can shaped hole, releasing the plant from its plastic cage). And how we will look forward to watching this vegetable grow and prosper.
1 comment:
Hello Jaqueline,
Welcome to the this amazing blogosphere! I come to you by way of the fabulous Janet at FrenchBlue. I love your blog and have become an instant fan. I have poured through your posts and can't wait to read more.
Best to You,
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