Sunday, September 19, 2010


In fact Luc needed a good cleaning. We wrapped him up in his yummy new bathrobe, a gift from Auntie Janet, and had a quick shower. The baby tub was just too much of a production today. He becomes as slippery as a pond rock. I love when his hair gets slicked back, which I lather to cleanliness. He smells so clean. That clean baby smell.


  1. Wait, is he supposed to be even cuter than he was when I last saw him?!

  2. I love Luc so much! I miss him! Give him kisses from his Auntie Janet!

  3. He is changing so fast! I can't believe it!The Force is surely with him, the petits mains folded just so....! Completement Adorable.....

  4. Nothing like that sweet fresh clean baby smell! So cute!! thank you so much for the source of the silver domes. How come all the good stuff is way out there in Ca? xo Lynn@thevintagenest
